Indonesian National CommitteE on irrigation and drainage (inacid) / Komite Nasional indonesia untuk irigasi dan drainase (kni-id)

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Komite Nasional Indonesia
Untuk Irigasi Dan Drainase

Indonesian National Committe on Irrigation and Drainage (INACID)

Indonesian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (INACID) / Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk Irigasi dan Drainase (KNI-ID) website is designed to provide a brief overview of KNI-ID/INACID and its activities. In this web profile, further information on the history, vision and mission, organization, organizational scheme, benefits, objectives, and work programs are presented. As an organization in the field of irrigation and drainage, KNI-ID strives to play an active role in the construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage structures in Indonesia through the sustainability of the organization and the activities of its members. Its involvement as an active member of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) and the relationships it maintains with other regional and international institutions are some of the efforts made to be active at the global level. In line with organization's goal to improve the quality of expertise and further enhance the roles and responsibilities of irrigation and drainage experts in Indonesia, it is hoped that this website can provide useful information for its members and also parties with an interest in irrigation and drainage.

Acara dan Berita Terbaru

Resources & Information

Webinar "Diskusi Irigasi"

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Untuk Indonesia Swasembada Dan Berdaulat Pangan

Abstracts Submission

Deadline Extended to 1st December 2024

Knowledge Sharing
"On Irrigation Technology"

Kerjasama INACID dengan Balai Teknik Irigasi

Webinar "Diskusi Irigasi"

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Untuk Indonesia Swasembada Dan Berdaulat Pangan
Sesi 2. Peningkatan Tata Kelola Pertanian Pangan Beririgasi